A boyfriend cardigan for teenage me

There is nothing that makes me feel more snug and secure than an oversized sweater or cardigan.  In my dubiously attired ‘indie-kid’ teens, my favourite outfit was a minuscule olive green lycra skirt, my beloved navy blue DMs and an enormous sludgy blue fisherman jumper which came down past the mini almost to my knees; was never washed in the three solid years I wore it (for mortal fear of shrinkage); and had frayed cuffs that finished way beyond my fingertips. 

So, when I unveiled my Burda Boyfriend Cardigan to my mum, she visibly shuddered as she was transported back to the days when she regularly bemoaned my and my sister’s inability to dress in any way that made us look like ‘young ladies’.

I, unsurprisingly, am completely in love with this.  The fabric is, I think, a bouclé knit.  It is loopy and bouclé-like on (what I assume is) the right side and sweatshirt-like on the back.  I got it at Paron Fabrics in the Garment District on sale intending to make a sweatshirt with the wrong side.  But I got the end of the roll and hence about 3 and half yards of the stuff and had a revelatory moment when browsing Burda’s website. I came across this pattern and saw the suggested fabric and yay – cosy, comfy, dressing gown I can pretend is a jacket/coat/cardigan was born.

This is my third time working with knits (which really is as straightforward as everyone says if you have a ballpoint needle and a zigzag stitch and possibly a walking foot) and aside from the horror show that is the unfinished seams inside, I’m really pleased with it.  On those innards: my lack of serger/ overlocker = pretty fugly knit innards and although I half-heartedly bought a whole heap of binding (bright orange no less) to finish the seams, that was after I’d finished the thing and it really really would take far too much unnecessary effort and I’m not entirely sure it would work.

Anyway, it is a little on the large side across the shoulders, the hem cuff could be straighter at the centre front, and the fabric is pilling slightly, but it goes with everything, is super cosy, the length is pretty flattering (I think) and the cuff finishes it really nicely and I just feel good when I wear it. 

I was also absurdly pleased with my use of scraps of grey jersey left over from making my first Hemlock Tee to line the pockets (more to follow on that one).  Super soft inside!

Yeah, it’s not going to win any ladylike awards, the giveaway I suppose is all in the name, and you can keep your chic bracelet length sleeve, I’m happy with the length I like to call hand-pull-insideable*.

My alterations: 

  • Added 3 inches to the sleeve length to compensate for my monkey arms and HPI (see above*.)

Worn with:

  • Silk paisley top from French Connection about 4 years ago (but exactly the same shape as Megan Nielsen’s eucalypt tank)
  • Printed jeans from Gap
  • Wedge trainers by Ash from Selfridges' glorious shoe department a couple of years ago.
  • Necklace: my great-grandmother's rose gold watch chain.

See you soon x